Soft Beauty – Be stunned with this interior design for “Living Room” .
A calm natural atmosphere filled with glass and wooden tables, added with a brown stylish sofa design.
Welcome on Aboard.
Discover unconventional designs and materials, graphic elements and decorative stand-alone article. In combination or solo – always real highlights.
A stylish stand-alone sofa with solid wood base,elegant and original with out-of-the-ordinary design,with mirrored surfaces, circles and squares within a rectangular form, trumpet tree wood.
Lightness and elegance are essential for the soft beauty style. Big mirrors create more space and a lofty atmosphere,
Glass details complete the luxury look. Keep the walls light and the floor new and shiny, every high-end yacht would wish
for this look in the living room.
If your looking for a get away on the sea style of feel. This design will suit you, the cozy feeling of being inside a yacht is a wonderful feeling, added with a soft and elegant furniture to complete the setting of a wonderful living room that is truly one of a kind. from sofa to accessories, from walls to the floor finish.
And alot more to see in the showroom.
Visit us @ Sitra Mall 1st Floor, Kingdom of Bahrain.
Contact us @ +973 1773 2919
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