Framed Picture Times Square View 120x120cm


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The large glass wall picture measuring 120 x 120 cm will enhance any room and give it a cool, contemporary ambience. The use of New York City skylines, a stylish portrait of a model and fashion symbols creates an appealing combination of urbanity and elegance. To make the most of such works of art, it is best to place them as a central element on a prominently visible wall for maximum visual impact.

Materijal: Image printed on: 100 % Paper Art paper, Front: 100 % Glass Toughened safety glass Clear, Back panel: 100 % Polypropylene, Frame: 100 % Polystyrene, Decorative elements: Glass Clear : Rhinestones, For wall fixing Horizontal, For stationary use Horizontal, 118,80 x 118,80 cm Measure : Photo Format, Partly Manual Work

Dimenzije (V/D/D): 120 x 120 x 3.6 centimetara

Težina: 12.9 kg

Šifra proizvoda: 56218

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Kare brend je sinonim za ideje za opremanje životnog prostora koje su jedinstvene, nekonformističke i autentične. Još od 1981. godine ova kompanija iznenađuje svoje obožavaoce širom sveta sa neuporedivom i neiscrpnom raznolikošću novog nameštaja, rasvete i kućne dekoracije koji pokazuju ogromnu strast za dizajnom.


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