Canvas Picture Flower Boat Blue Pink 80x100cm


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A true sea of flowers. Inspired by the culture of Asian fashion, this picture brings a lot of colour and joie de vivre into the house. The sea of flowers overwhelms the viewer with atmospheric contrasts and countless details. A whole swarm of flowers unfolds above the boat, and you can almost perceive its fine scent. As a symbol for the intense and joyful feeling of falling in love, the motif generates energy, the courage to express emotions and the impression that simply everything is possible. Inspiration can be so beautiful. This picture is available in other sizes.

Materijal: Image printed on: Cotton (Canvas), Frame: Spruce Solid wood Natural/untreated, Other: Acrylic Paint, handpainted Details

Dimenzije (V/D/D): 100 x 80 x 3.5 centimetara

Težina: 1.9 kg

Šifra proizvoda: 39250

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