Wall Object Umano Brass Ø59cm


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Empty walls are a sad sight, they offer no focal point for the eye and above all they tell us nothing about the history and preferences of the home s occupants. Hardly any other wall decoration transforms bare walls into attractive surfaces so quickly and easily. With a decorative object on the wall, a sense of homeliness moves in and you give expression to your personality. This bowl-shaped object with a human figure clearly bears the signature of a unique piece with its different surfaces. Start a conversation with your guests and let your imagination run wild when you look at it.

Materijal: Aluminum powder-coated, Aluminum brass-plated, For wall fixing Vertical, Hand-crafted, Each peace unique

Dimenzije (V/D/D): 59 x 59 x 29 centimetara

Težina: 2.69 kg

Šifra proizvoda: 54378

  • Beograd

    +381 63 518 440
    • ponedeljak - petak    > 9.30 - 21.00
    • subota                            > 10.00 - 17.00

  • Novi Sad

    +381 60 60 60 285
    • Ponedeljak- petak   >  10.00 -20.00
    • Subota                         > 10.00 - 15.00
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