Display Cabinet London Telephone

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A striking glass cabinet in an impressive design – this out-of-the-ordinary cabinet is a highlight of British interior design! This original cabinet makes an impression which is anything but dusty. On three levels the much-loved telephone box provides lots of room. It refreshes everyday life in a typical British way and matches a range of furnishing styles. In a bright red, high-quality finish. A charming eyecatcher with antique flair. Further articles available in this original style.

Информация о товаре: Corpus: 95 % Medium density fibreboard (MDF) Lacquered, Glass Clear, 5 % Pine Solid wood Lacquered : Frame, Shelf: 10 kg Max. load-carrying capacity, 25 kg Max. load-carrying capacity

Размеры (В/Ш/Г): 139 x 49 x 49 сантиметры

Вес: 24.7 кг

Артикул: 76383

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